1.     Introduction: This policy covers the processing of personal data by Strategic Solutions (Int) Limited T/A “SSIL” (“we” or “us”) and hereinafter referred to as Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL, registered in England & Wales under Company No. 09695989. Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information whilst striving to provide the very best user experience. We want our websites to be safe and enjoyable for everyone. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and related laws, we have a legal duty to protect the personal information we collect from you. If you have any concerns, questions or comments about this privacy policy or the website you can contact us using the contact details in clause number 9 of this policy.

2.     The different kinds of personal information we collect and how we collect it: Information you provide upon registration: in order to make use of certain services provided through the website such as the forums and email newsletters, you will either need to: (a) register an account with us. When you do so, you will provide us with information about yourself and you will be able to select how we use your information for marketing purposes; (b) log in using a social media account of your choice. When you do so, we will be provided with certain information about you from the social media site, as specified when you log in. You will be able to select how we use your information for marketing purposes. You can update your marketing preferences at any time by following the instructions to amend your details in the account registration section. We will only use your information in accordance with your instructions and as set out in this privacy policy.

a.     Information you provide upon ordering a service or a product from us: if you order a service or a product from us, you will need to provide certain personal details so that the order can be fulfilled. In some cases, we will direct you to a third party partner site which will collect this information from you and fulfill your order.

b.     Information you provide when registering to play a game; entering a promotion or competition and or taking part in a poll or survey: if you register to play a game through this site and or enter a promotion or competition and or if you take part in a poll or survey you will either need to register an account with us or provide certain personal information to us which we will use in accordance with the terms of the poll or survey.

c.     Demographic and other data: this website uses cookies, web analytics and web logs to collect information about your use of our site, information about your computer such as your computer’s IP address and browser type, demographic data and, if you arrived at our site via a link from a third party site, the URL of the linking page. If you have registered an account with us, our site may also collect your name and email address. The data collected through cookies, web analytics and web logs may be transferred to third parties. For more information on how we us uses the cookies, please refer to our cookie policy.

d.     Email communications: we use web beacons in our emails to track the success of our marketing campaigns. If you open an email from Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL or any of our affiliates, we can see which of the pages of our website you visited. Our web beacons don’t store any information on your computer but, by communicating with our cookies on your computer, they can tell us when you have opened an email from us. We may keep track of the emails that we send you. We also keep a record of what communications you have selected to receive or not to receive. If you would like to opt out of receiving such emails, simply click the “unsubscribe” link in the email and follow the instructions as prompted.

e.     Information from other sources: we may receive information about you (for instance missing information about your postal or email addresses) from other sources and add it to the personal information we hold about you.

3.     How we use the information that we collect: Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL owns the information we collect through this website and we will use it, as applicable, to:

a.      confirm or fulfill an order you have submitted

b.      contact you regarding your registered account with us;

c. provide you with services or information that you have requested or products or services that you have ordered, such as magazine subscriptions;

d.      inform you if you have won a prize

e.      monitor compliance with our terms and conditions of use of this website, enforce our rights and protect the safety of others including investigating and if necessary removing any content about which we receive a complaint

f.        send you promotional materials or special offers on our behalf or on behalf of our group companies and marketing partners. If you do not want to receive this marketing information you can notify us of this as part of the registration process. You can stop receiving this information at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions on the correspondence you receive, by amending your marketing preferences, or by emailing giving your email address and details of the information you no longer wish to receive

g.      monitor or improve the performance of, the services available through, this website

h.      customise the advertising and content that you see

i.        for any purpose if we are required to do so by any law or other regulatory or government authority

Please note that if you upload or post any information to a public part of the Website, we may use it in accordance with our terms and conditions of use and it may be viewed and used by others. Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL accepts no responsibility for this. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us: (a) processing your information as set out in this privacy policy and in any other manner you expressly consent to; (b) processing your sensitive personal data, such as health data (if provided); and (c) transferring your information to countries or jurisdictions which do not provide the same level of data protection as the UK, if necessary for these purposes. If we do make such a transfer, we will, if appropriate, put a contract in place to ensure that your information is protected.

4.     Who we may share your personal information with Agents: we use third parties to perform certain functions on our behalf including fulfilling orders, sending emails, organising and managing competitions, promotions, surveys or polls, removing repetitive information from customer lists, comment hosting, website analysis, data analysis, translation services and processing credit card payments. They will have access to your personal information if necessary to perform their function but they cannot use it or disclose it for any other purpose, unless you have specifically given them consent to do so.

a.     Aggregate Information: we may share aggregate, non-personally identifiable information, such as demographics and website usage statistics, with advertisers, sponsors and other organisations.

b.     Option to receive marketing information from associated third parties: throughout the website you may be given the opportunity to receive marketing information which may be of interest to you from associated third parties. Only if you elect to receive such information, will we share your personal information with our associated third parties and they are only permitted by us to use it for the purpose of providing you with the marketing information you have requested. The use of your personal information by such third parties will be subject to their own privacy policy and practices. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or practices of any such third party. If you do not want to receive marketing information from associated companies’ you can notify us of this as part of the registration process. You can stop receiving this information at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions on the correspondence you receive, by amending your marketing preferences, or by emailing, giving your email address and details of the information you no longer wish to receive.

c.     Services or products offered in partnership with third parties: certain products or services available through this website may be provided to you in partnership with a third party. That third party may require you to disclose personal information to them in order to receive such products or services. If you request a product or service offered in partnership with a third party, the identity of the third party will be disclosed to you and your personal information will be transferred to that third party. The use of your personal information by that third party is subject to its privacy policy and practices and we are not responsible for the same.

d.     Links to other websites: While we do not share your personal information with any other company except our affiliates. However, our website may contain links to other websites of interest and we display advertisements from third parties on our website. We may monetise some of these links through the use of third party affiliate programmes. Notwithstanding such affiliate programmes, we are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these websites or for third party advertisers, even if they use the website’s logo as part of a co-branding agreement, nor for the way in which information about their users is treated. Furthermore, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

e.     Receiving Marketing information: Your personal details are used for marketing purpose only that is if you have elected to receive marketing information from them which may be of interest to you. The use of your personal information by Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL is subject to our own privacy policies and practices. If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, you can notify us of this as part of the registration process. You can stop receiving this information at any time by clicking ”unsubscribe” and following the instructions as prompted or, by amending your marketing preferences, or by emailing, giving your email address and details of the information you no longer wish to receive.

f.       Third-Party Ad Serving and Audience and Traffic Measurement Services: we may use a third-party network advertiser to serve the advertisements on this website or we may use an audience or traffic measurement service to analyse the traffic on this website. Network advertisers are third parties that display advertisements based on your visits to this website and other websites you have visited. Third-party ad serving enables us to target advertisements to you for products or websites you might be interested in. Audience and traffic measurement services allow us to collect anonymous traffic and behavioural information from the website by monitoring anonymous visitor activity. This website’s advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may themselves set and access their own cookies on your computer if you choose to have your cookies enabled in your browser.

5.     Maintenance and storage of information: Your information is collected and stored on servers which are owned and maintained by or on behalf of Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL and its affiliates. We may keep your information for a reasonable period for the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

6.     Security: In accordance with our requirements under the Data Protection Act 1998, we will adopt appropriate security procedures to help prevent unauthorised access to your information. Strategic Solutions (Int) / SSIL shall not be liable for any attempt to hack or crack or otherwise gain access to any part of this website including any of your information.

7.     A note for parents concerning privacy: this website is a general audience website. On the website, we do not currently knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of sixteen. If, at all such personally identifiable information is collected from children from this website, we will do so in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations including, without limitation, obtaining parental consent where necessary. The Internet offers children wonderful educational and entertainment resources. Your guidance and involvement are essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience. Please visit to learn more about parental control tools.

8.     Questions regarding the information we hold about you: if you have any general questions on i) the information we have collected about you ii) how we may use the information we hold about you, iii) a general query about our website; you may contact the Webmaster at Furthermore, should you have any questions about your information including what we hold and how it is used, you can contact us at You are entitled to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you (for which we may charge a small fee of £10 pounds GBP) and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected.

9.     Policy changes: By using this website you agree to the terms of this privacy policy and our terms of use. We may amend this privacy policy and the terms of use from time to time. If we do so, we will post an updated version on this website. You will be bound by the new terms upon your continued use of this website.

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